Our Mission Statement – to find good, loving homes for the abandoned and abused animals in our community, and to reduce the problem of pet overpopulation through spay/neuter programs.

Warm Weather Safety Tips for Pets
  • Do not leave your pets in the car!!! Even with the windows down, temperatures inside your car can rise up to and over 120° within a few minutes. Remember that pets only sweat from their paws. This is not enough to cool down, so your pup will pant to help reduce his body temperature. On very humid days or in a small space, like a car, panting still isn’t enough to cool down your pup! If you’re going to be out and about, just leave your furbabies at home where it’s cool.
  • Protect those paws! Just like your bare feet on hot pavement, your pup’s feet are super sensitive to heat, so be careful where he puts his paws.
  • Secure your pets with a seatbelt harness or crate when you take them adventuring along with you. Some dogs like to stick their heads out the window during car rides, and even though this is super fun for your pooch, it’s not that safe. Allowing your pet to ride in the bed of a pick up truck or sticking his face out of a moving car window is extremely dangerous.
  • Keep those Easter lilies and candy out of reach! Lilies can be fatal to your pet if ingested, and chocolate is toxic to cats, dogs and ferrets.
  • Brush up on what plants in your garden are safe and unsafe for your pet. Daffodils and tulips are among the plants that can be highly toxic to cats and dogs. Refer to the full list when thinking about starting up your spring garden.
  • Use pet-safe fertilizers and pesticides. These products may be helpful to your garden, but they’re really harmful to your pet, so stow them away when not in use and keep your pet out of the garden area altogether.
  • Flea, Tick and Heartworm prevention is essential. With the warmer months coming, bugs will be around for sure. Heartworm is transmitted by mosquitoes so make sure your pooch is on a year-round heartworm medication! Speak with your vet about flea and tick prevention options.
  • Make sure your windows have screens in them! Windows without screens pose a great threat to your pets when they’re open, and falls can result in a shattered jaw, punctured lungs, broken bones, or worse.
  • Use pet-friendly cleaning products. Almost all commercially sold cleaning products contain chemicals that are harmful to pets. Either use pet-friendly products or very carefully follow the instructions on the cleaning labels–and always keep those kind of products out of reach.
  • Make sure vaccinations are up to date! Spring means you might have a lot more doggy playdates, so make sure your pet is up to date with his vaccinations so he can safely play with the others.
  • Be aware of heat stroke. Since animals can’t sweat, their body temperature rises much more easily, making them much more prone to heat stroke. Heat stroke is an absolute medical emergency, and signs include panting, staring, high fever, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, collapse.
  • Watch out for coolant/antifreeze. Your pet might be tempted to drink from outdoor puddles in the warm weather. Dangerous substances like antifreeze could get into your buddy’s system and cause some serious damage, so always keep an eye on your cutie!
  • Bring them inside. Keep your pets in the coolest, shadiest, most comfortable spot you can find. Don’t leave them outside for too long and exercise your pup responsibly.
  • Stay hydrated!!!! Last and one of the most important – make sure your pet has access to fresh water at ALL times.

Tips Courtesy of ASPCA www.aspca.org